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Salish Sea Sentinel | January 20, 2025

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The Bears are Back!

The Bears are Back!

If it’s August, it means that the grizzly and black bears are returning to the Orford River in Bute Inlet, the traditional home of the Homalco First Nation people.

Grizzly Bears

Grizzly Bears

The bears, and other wildlife, come to the river for several months to feast on coho and chum salmon. And with them come visitors from around the world to view the feasting from the safety of viewing towers on various sites near the river’s estuary.


The Bears of Bute wildlife tours had a record year in 2014 and more visitors are expected this year to spectacular Bute Inlet. The inlet extends to the Homathko ice fields and below the glaciers is the prime grizzly and black bear habitat.

It all makes for stunning sights for visitors as the bears emerge from the forest for their feast.

When not watching the bears, guests can learn more about the Homalco traditional territory at the information centre where displays tell the stories of Orford Bay, the settlement at Church House (Aupe) and other significant places for the Xwemalhkwu (Homalco) people. Among the displays are woven cedar hats, baskets, carvings and drums made by the nation’s artisans.

Homalco youth serve as guides, sharing their culture with guests. They perform a traditional welcoming ceremony, take visitors paddling in an ocean-going canoe, help them learn to weave cedar and offer a seafood feast with drumming and singing.


Tour arriving at Orford Bay

Tours leave regularly from Campbell River and other locations. Authorized tour operators can be found at