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Salish Sea Sentinel | February 22, 2025

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Klahoose plans for future

Klahoose plans for future

by Johnny Hanuse

Comprehensive Community Planning (CCP) might seem to be a modern-day exercise with nation members creating a roadmap for future generations.

But as Klahoose First Nation works on the second phase of its four-part CCP, they are learning that planning is nowhere near being a new idea. Some theorize that it has been in practice since the beginning of human existence and was used as a tool of survival.

Chief James Delorme said “the grassroots involvement in the CCP is essential for a healthy Klahoose community. The information gathered gives chief and council the roadmap for our future and helps us build the framework for what our people desire.”

The methods of presentation and information-gathering may take on a modern technological approach, but it still comes down to people gathering to talk about their dreams and practical visions for the future.

Cheyenne Hope, the Klahoose CCP coordinator, said that the process, which involves conducting workshops on Cortes Island and in other locations for off-reserve members, is “extremely rewarding”. Meetings have been held at Squirrel Cove, Campbell River, Powell River, Nanaimo and Auburn, Washington.

“I love having the opportunity to reconnect with our members and hearing everyone’s great ideas. The more we are able to engage our members throughout this process ensures that we will have a strong community plan that will work for our nation and meet our needs. I want the CCP to reflect the voices of all members. The more that our members get involved the more encompassing the plan will be.”

The planning stage of the CCP involves ongoing community engagement so members can create guidelines for future generations. There needs to be a vision with principles and directions.

There are many pathways that a nation can travel, and it can be positive when needs and concerns are set in place for easy review by the nation’s government. Actions to strengthen the nation for current and future generations require a look at both positive and negative situations in order for growth.

From the first phase – pre-planning – the CCP team created seven directions. These emerging directions start with a broad topic such as ‘increase belonging, connections and pride’ or ‘invest in education and training’. Others include: ‘strengthen our health and well-being’ and more specific pathways.

Klahoose, like many other nations, has members living throughout the Salish Sea region. To tackle potential disconnection, the CCP team has travelled to several locations so that as many people as possible can contribute to the community-driven plan.

At the CCP meetings, there is always a sense of positive inclusion. Even though conversations can sometimes have dark themes, particularly when speaking of health and wellness, the in-depth discussions get members’ minds formulating many ideas of how things could or could not work.

Without the voice of the community, the CCP would not exist. The CCP team simply acts as a host to the opinion of those who look forward to the future.

The Klahoose CCP team includes Cheyenne Hope, Steven Brown, Johnny Hanuse and Jeff Cook as our mentor.