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Salish Sea Sentinel | December 19, 2024

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Homes ‘wash up’ at T’oq

Homes ‘wash up’ at T’oq

One night in mid-April, large valuable objects washed ashore at T’oq (Squirrel Cove). They were five homes, prefabricated in Penticton and barged to Klahoose First Nation on Cortes Island.

Concrete foundations for the structures were already in place. People began to think about moving in to their new homes, all members that were on the nation’s long housing waitlist.

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Home arrives during the night by barge at T’ok

The nation’s leaders are already planning to get more names off that waitlist. During a visit in March, Chief James Delorme unveiled a concept map that included planned subdivisions, sewage and water facilities, a recreation centre and other amenities for the community.

Tracy Girling coordinated sending The Sentinel photographs and took the daytime photos while Cheyenne Hope took the night photos. The photo of the chief is from Sentinel files.