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Salish Sea Sentinel | March 29, 2025

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Mom applauds empowered daughter

Screenshot 2016-02-28 10.20.10Debra Lazzar is proud of her daughter for a lot of reasons. Most recently, it was because of the way 14-year-old Kyra argued in support of the T’Sou-ke First Nation leadership on Facebook. After an exchange of posts between her daughter and another member, Debra wrote her own post.

“I must say I applaud my daughter Kyra Lazzar for being the strong young lady she is to comment on the post from another community member bashing our leadership and not be afraid to offer her opinion.

“That’s the glory of Facebook and social media, everyone is allowed an opinion. It’s unfortunate that we as a nation think its appropriate to bash our Chief and Council on social media no matter what our disagreements are.

“Of course it’s brilliant that my daughter would suggest that you set a table for the community to have a community discussion. I am proud that Kyra is following the teachings and the proper ways to honour our nation and keep harmony. I know that her Great Grandmother would be proud.

“I’d also like to say when we post I think we should think what our ancestors that have passed on would think of our actions.” Debra then wrote about empowering the next generation. “… please be patient as she is still learning her roots and connections to the family of T’Sou-ke.

I suppose it’s hard for her to know who the relatives are that she doesn’t see on a regular basis. “But if you ask her about any of the elders of T’Sou-ke, she knows exactly how she is related to them!

She is learning, so please do not judge her, as we should for all youth, empower them as they are our next generation!!”