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Salish Sea Sentinel | March 25, 2025

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Year-end AGM for NmTC

Year-end AGM for NmTC

There was work and pleasure when people travelled from around the coast to attend the Naut’sa mawt Tribal Council workshops, annual general meeting and banquet in early December in Richmond.

First, directors and other members from the eleven member First Nations rolled up their sleeves for a day-long workshop on developing capacity for leaders. NmTC developed training programs for both potential and elected councillors in partnership with the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and Carden Consulting.

NmTC governance advisor Valerie Cross-Blackett and Laara Mixon of Carden told how the programs were the result of six weeks of interviews with current and potential leaders. They said training – which can be customized – make elected officials accountable while helping them to carry out their work and take responsibility for their actions.

“Good governance benefits employees and citizens,” Valeria said. “There are both economic and financial benefits.

“We have a right to self-determination. As leaders, we have a responsibility to exercise that right and to make things happen. When leaders focus on possibilities, it’s infectious.”

The required annual general meeting was held on the following day. The agenda included the election of the first NmTC elders council (see story), hearing from the independent auditor as well as the tribal council’s chief administrative officer Gary Reith.

Both reported that NmTC was in sound financial shape and was carrying out the mandate from directors of the eleven nations.