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Salish Sea Sentinel | March 31, 2025

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Chief Williams looks ahead after final Indian Act election

Chief Williams looks ahead  after final  Indian Act  election

Clint Williams was elected Sliammon chief for his fourth term on Sept. 13 by a narrow margin. With 199 votes, he defeated Gloria Francis who had 180 and Vern Pielle with 65.

Chief Williams spoke about his narrow victory as work continues toward the Tla’amin treaty effective date in April 2016. He said there will be a near 50/50 split on the new council in terms of accepting the treaty and other governance issues.

While treaty was always near the surface during the nation’s last Indian Act election, Williams said the subject was not brought up much during the campaign.

The treaty has been acrimonious and divided in Sliammon. The treaty question was brought before community members in June 2012, but a blockade postponed that vote for several weeks. The final tally was 318-235 in favour of the treaty.

“So many things that we do and deal with are for the community, so there will still be unity on that side,” he said. “But there will be some issues on treaty specific things…I know there will be squabbles.

“I hope there will be professional opinions and decisions. I hope for a good productive term and I am sure it will be.”

Once treaty is in place, the nation will have up to six months to hold another election, this time under Tla’amin laws. A governance working group is currently discussing whether a three or four-year term will be most suitable.

“Living under the Indian Act, there was never any potential to develop any type of meaningful operations,” Williams told an all-candidates meeting prior to the vote.

“We were always underneath the thumb of the government.”

Pictured above: Chief Clint Williams signed the Tla’amin treaty earlier this year


Chief Clint Williams and councillors (in order of votes) 

Lori Sparrow, Larry Louie, John Hackett, Gloria Francis, Dillon Johnson, Eugene Louie, Shawn Louie, Walter Paul, Sandy Point, Brian Hackett