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Salish Sea Sentinel | July 27, 2024

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SEX! There we said it. How about you?

May 30, 2016 |

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Words and photo by Cara McKenna

Cheyenne Hood, Tsleil-Waututh … Read More

Like a thunderbird

April 1, 2016 |

Before I follow the great Chiefs who have gone before us, oh Canada, I shall see these things come to pass. I shall see our young braves and our chiefs sitting in the houses of law and government, ruling and … Read More

Elsie is a bridge

April 1, 2016 |

One of the organizers of an event recognizing Elsie Paul of Tla’amin for her contributions to the community sent the following words:

Elsie is an 84-year-old elder and a tireless worker for Tla’amin and for Powell River. She just gives … Read More

Readers like their Sentinel

April 1, 2016 |

People in the eleven Naut’sa mawt Tribal Council (NmTC) communities like reading this magazine and have some good ideas on how to make it better.

Those were some of the findings in a survey of leaders in a wide-ranging ‘needs assessment’ … Read More

Hands Raised to Tla’amin People and Their Treaty

April 1, 2016 |

It is difficult to sum up all the work, the joys and the heartbreak that led up to April 5 for the Tla’amin people and their treaty. The many stories from decades past could fill a book, not just this magazine.

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Mom applauds empowered daughter

February 28, 2016 |

Debra Lazzar is proud of her daughter for a lot of reasons. Most recently, it was because of the way 14-year-old Kyra argued in support of the T’Sou-ke First Nation leadership on Facebook. After an exchange of posts between her daughter … Read More

Spring … frogs sing….bighouse closes

February 28, 2016 |

They Say you should hang all your troubles and anger on the big nail beside the door into the bighouse so that such things do not affect the important work around the fires.

A nation’s leader recently said, while shaking a … Read More

Don’t Glorify War!

January 30, 2016 |

Excerpts from a letter about ‘Honouring Aboriginal Veterans’ in the November edition of the Sentinel. Name withheld.

Why oh why do you promote Remembrance Day year after year? It says “They fought to preserve our freedom.” No! Not!…

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Save the eulachon

January 30, 2016 |

Excerpts from a letter by retired fisheries planner David Ellis, Vancouver. Edited for brevity.

May I recommend that the new Trudeau government make it a priority for 2016 to fully restore First Nations’ access to the eulachon and … Read More

Welcome to Tla’amin

January 30, 2016 |

An excerpt from an editorial entitled ‘Welcome to Tla’amin’ that appeared in the Jan. 6 edition of the Powell River Peak newspaper. The Tla’amin treaty takes effect on April 5 this year.

The upcoming treaty will not even come … Read More