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Salish Sea Sentinel | July 27, 2024

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Archived Articles

Election another step for ‘Mr. Positive’

April 29, 2013 |

‘Mr. Positive’ – There are many things the leader of a small First Nation can be called, but the name often used to refer to the chief of Klahoose First Nation, James Delorme, is a pretty good one.He is starting … Read More

Dirty hands, a green thumb and new careers

April 29, 2013 |

It was a rainy April day at the community garden at Snaw-naw-as First Nation, but the dozen youth from through Vancouver Island did not seem to mind. Many knelt in garden beds, planting vegetables.

Others made a trek to the … Read More

Cross-country support for Halalt

April 29, 2013 |

Powerful support is coming Halalt First Nation’s way as it awaits the Supreme Court of Canada decision on its leave to appeal application over the Chemainus River aquifer case.

The Union of BC Indian Chiefs council has passed a resolution … Read More

Land deal for Snuneymuxw

March 29, 2013 |

Snuneymuxw First Nation has taken ownership of large sections of forest lands near Nanaimo and made other deals with the BC government that is expected to lead to both economic and job opportunities for the nation.

The government termed the … Read More

New housing for Malahat Nation members

March 29, 2013 |

There are 24 people living in new homes at Malahat First Nation and more housing units are on the way.

That is evidence of “a commitment to make housing a priority for the community,” says Councillor Dean Harry.

Four of … Read More

New Library for Halalt

March 29, 2013 |

Books – both paper and digital – fill the new library that had its grand opening at Halalt First Nation on March 13.

There are 1,750 books, to be exact. But already some people are talking about expanding the facility … Read More

Snaw-naw-as Health Centre Complete

March 29, 2013 |

The blessings were bountiful for the new Snaw-naw-as health centre on March 15 as a special ceremony was held for community members.

After the cleansing, Chief David Bob said the building was a new home for community members. “This place … Read More