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Salish Sea Sentinel | July 27, 2024

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Coast Salish Stories: Remember Your Snu’uy’ulh Teachings

June 3, 2020 |

File photo.

By Celestine Aleck (Sahiltiniye)

Hello my dear friends and relatives, my apologies for not writing in sometime. I had been going through a hard time, and I let that break me. But I could hear my late grandfather Ronnie Aleck’s words in … Read More

A smallpox story from Elder William Good (Tseskinakhen)

June 1, 2020 |

Above: Elder William Good (Tseskinakhen) and his son Joel Good stand with Snuneymuxw house posts they carved at St’litlup in 2018.

By Aunalee Boyd-Good 

As we find ourselves living during a global pandemic and adjusting to the new normal of COVID-19, I have … Read More

Snuneymuxw cancels Tribal Journeys gathering

April 3, 2020 |

Above: Pullers arrive at Lummi for Tribal Journeys 2019. File photo.

Snuneymuxw First Nation has cancelled hosting Tribal Journeys in 2020 because of COVID-19 concerns, the nation has announced.

The annual gathering was set to wrap up in Snuneymuxw territory … Read More

B.C. repatriation gathering will guide UN process

March 30, 2020 |

Above: Musqueam Elder Larry Grant opened the event.

Hearings held in B.C. will guide the United Nations when it comes to assisting Indigenous communities to repatriate cultural belongings and ancestral remains. 

During a two-day seminar at the University of British Columbia, the UN heard from experts and community members in B.C. and as far away as … Read More

Friendship between Sḵwxwú7mesh weaver, Emily Carr showcased in exhibit

March 30, 2020 |

Above: A portrait Emily Carr painted of Sophie Frank. Image courtesy of Vancouver Art Gallery.

A complex friendship between a famed Canadian artist and a Sḵwxwú7mesh basket weaver is being featured in a new exhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery. 

The paintings of Emily Carr and weavings of Sophie Frank (Sewinchelwet) are on display alongside each other as part of a wider … Read More

Snuneymuxw apparel raising funds for Tribal Journeys welcome figure

March 30, 2020 |

Eliot White-Hill wears the designs. Photos by Rachel Therriault.

By Julie Chadwick

It was a chance meeting at the night market in downtown Nanaimo that sparked an idea for a new clothing line aimed at encouraging a sense of local … Read More

TFN house posts unveiled at industrial site

March 30, 2020 |

Photos by Adrian MacNair 

Two new house posts have been unveiled on Tsawwassen Nation’s industrial lands outside of the Euro Asia Transload facility. 

The carvings by artist Bryce Williams were brushed with cedar during a blessing ceremony in late February. 

The posts were installed outside of the facility on 27B Avenue, with one near the road and other at … Read More

Long-awaited Homalco sign showcases Coast Salish culture

March 30, 2020 |

From left: Derek Georgeson, Elder Bill Blaney and Chief Darren Blaney. Photo by Todd Peacey.

A long-awaited sign that marks Homalco’s territory and identity has been unveiled outside of the nation’s reserve near Campbell River. 

The sign marking Xwémalhkwu (Homalco) lands was installed on the highway in late … Read More

‘Plane of Reconciliation’ honours Indigenous veterans

March 2, 2020 |

Photo by Todd Peacey.

An airplane display that honours Indigenous veterans is now hanging at the Comox Valley Airport. 

The “Plane of Reconciliation” project is a replica First World War Nieuport Biplane that was donated by the late Captain David Freeman — a longtime pilot who wanted to commemorate Indigenous veterans. 

With … Read More

Klahoose looks to revamp tourism after Netherlands trip

March 2, 2020 |

Above: Klahoose Chief Kevin Peacey stands with employees Paul Muskee and Aleata Vanstone, who all travelled to the Netherlands for a tourism conference in January. Submitted photo.

After attending a major tourism conference in the Netherlands, Klahoose leaders are inspired to utilize … Read More